Bridget and Mommy

Bridget and Mommy
Bridget Cambría Marino Born September 14, 2009

Sunday, June 20, 2010

First letter from Daddy

Dearest Bridget,
You are nine months old today and I must say, you have come a long way. Your mommy and I had no idea what to expect when we brought you home and we were definitely surprised. For nine months you grew inside your mommy’s belly and when you came into the world, you had nine months worth of things to talk about. We soon realized you were born with colic and wanted everyone to know about it.
I had no idea what it meant to have a colicky baby at home but we soon understood it meant many, many nights without sleep and many days of frustration listening to you cry because your little tummy was making a fuss. We tried everything and nothing seemed to work. Nothing we did helped to make you feel better. After a few days, we found that our pinky finger was about the only thing that seemed to sooth you besides breast feeding.
The days turned into weeks and then months and after about two months the colic passed and life suddenly became much better for the whole house. You were quite a bit different from your sister in that you did not like to placed down and did not like to be left in your car seat. I can honestly say, I have never heard anybody or anything, scream as loud as you did. We realized very early on, you had some serious vocal power. This was especially evident while we drove in the car. As long as the car was moving, you seemed content, but as soon as we stopped at a light or even slowed down too much, we were blessed with your vocal prowess. Within the confines of a sealed car cabin, the decibels emanating from you were almost deafening. You knew exactly what you liked and exactly what you did not like.
After a few months, I grew very attached to you. Your sister was up and running around and getting into everything. She was less and less interested in being held and more and more interested in getting into everything. You, on the other hand, loved being held and loved it when I came home from work to hold you. I used to sneak up on you while you were playing with a toy or in your bouncer. It was a dead give away that I was home because as soon as I picked you up, you became quiet and your mommy knew daddy must be home.
Bridget, when you were born, there was nothing that could have prepared your mommy and me for the amount of happiness you would bring our home. It has been incredibly gratifying watching you grow and learn and watching you smile lights up my heart every time. I love your little giggles and chuckles and I love the way you love to be near your mommy and me. I love watching you and your big sister interact and how much Calista loves you too. You have touched our hearts and have taught us an entirely new level of patience and a level of love we did not know we were capable of.
In your life you will be faced with many challenges and many more choices. Always remember that I love you and will always be here for you. When you are feeling lonely or sad, you can call your daddy. I may not be able to always pick you up, but as long as there is breath in my lungs, there will be warm hugs aplenty. Always remember, Daddy loves you very much. You are my little girl and I am so incredibly blessed to be your daddy. There is nothing more important to me then to watch you grow up into a beautiful young woman full of love and compassion. As long as you follow your mommy’s example, you will be a dream come true for a very lucky young man one day.
I love you with all my heart, baby Bridget. You are my little ‘chunk-chunk.’

With all my heart,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sand & Poop

Dear Bridget,

This week was so great! We went to the beach a few times and you discovered a new love for sand! At first I set you on a blanket so you wouldn't get too dirty, but you refused to stay on it! You have started to army crawl, so you quickly made your way onto the sand on your tummy. This made for quite the mess, as you decided to stick your face directly in it!! Then you proceeded to roll around in it, getting it in your hair, ears and everywhere else. The funny thing is that you were having a blast and loving every minute of it!

I brought the baby pool to the beach with us and I filled it up with buckets of ocean water for you to play in. You stayed in the pool for about 1.5 hours splashing around and playing with the toys. I put your hair in a ponytail to get it out of your face and it made you look like a sumo wrestler! You are so rolly polly it is adorable!

Two new teeth pooped through your gums this week. Not your front two, but the two on the sides of those. You are going to look like a jacko-lantern when they grow bigger!
This morning I changed Calista's diaper which had just one small nugget of poop in it. I was in a hurry to get to the gym so I left the diaper, which I had wrapped up, on the floor in the living room. Later today when we got home, you were sitting in the living room and I noticed you chewing on something brown. Immediately I thought it was a chunk of dog food, as Calista likes to eat it and leaves little kibbles all over. I scooped it out of your mouth and smelled it and realized that it was poop!! I looked near your side and saw Calista's diaper open and it was missing the poop that I had wrapped up!! Yuck! I nearly threw up smelling the poop in your mouth, and all over your face and hands, and I rushed you over to the sink where I repeatedly washed your mouth out with water. You were choking and gagging, but I didn't care! I was going to get all of that poop out of your mouth and washed off your body. I remember when Calista ate some dog poop when she was little, and I knew that one day you would have a run-in with poop as well. I just didn't think it was going to be poop Calista's poop!! Oh well. I made sure to feed you an entire jar of pears and blueberries to get the taste out of your mouth, even though it seemed like you didn't mind it!

I love you stinky face!


Sunday, June 13, 2010

A New Blog for My Darling Bridget

Dear Bridget,

You are such a little muffin and I just want to eat you up! I love you so very much, and I am writing this blog to you so that I may share your experiences and development. I would also like to share with you my thoughts and dreams of the baby you are today, the child you will be tomorrow and the woman you will become in years.

I love you so much my darling Bridget,
