Bridget and Mommy

Bridget and Mommy
Bridget Cambría Marino Born September 14, 2009

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sand & Poop

Dear Bridget,

This week was so great! We went to the beach a few times and you discovered a new love for sand! At first I set you on a blanket so you wouldn't get too dirty, but you refused to stay on it! You have started to army crawl, so you quickly made your way onto the sand on your tummy. This made for quite the mess, as you decided to stick your face directly in it!! Then you proceeded to roll around in it, getting it in your hair, ears and everywhere else. The funny thing is that you were having a blast and loving every minute of it!

I brought the baby pool to the beach with us and I filled it up with buckets of ocean water for you to play in. You stayed in the pool for about 1.5 hours splashing around and playing with the toys. I put your hair in a ponytail to get it out of your face and it made you look like a sumo wrestler! You are so rolly polly it is adorable!

Two new teeth pooped through your gums this week. Not your front two, but the two on the sides of those. You are going to look like a jacko-lantern when they grow bigger!
This morning I changed Calista's diaper which had just one small nugget of poop in it. I was in a hurry to get to the gym so I left the diaper, which I had wrapped up, on the floor in the living room. Later today when we got home, you were sitting in the living room and I noticed you chewing on something brown. Immediately I thought it was a chunk of dog food, as Calista likes to eat it and leaves little kibbles all over. I scooped it out of your mouth and smelled it and realized that it was poop!! I looked near your side and saw Calista's diaper open and it was missing the poop that I had wrapped up!! Yuck! I nearly threw up smelling the poop in your mouth, and all over your face and hands, and I rushed you over to the sink where I repeatedly washed your mouth out with water. You were choking and gagging, but I didn't care! I was going to get all of that poop out of your mouth and washed off your body. I remember when Calista ate some dog poop when she was little, and I knew that one day you would have a run-in with poop as well. I just didn't think it was going to be poop Calista's poop!! Oh well. I made sure to feed you an entire jar of pears and blueberries to get the taste out of your mouth, even though it seemed like you didn't mind it!

I love you stinky face!


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